Saving a Lost Pup Left Alone at the Railway Station Following Days of Abandonment

Back in 2017, a pooch was left behind at a subway station in Lima, Peru. Rescuers found him tied to a trolley and decided to call him “Cabezón”. Sadly, the restraints were too snug, rendering him immobile with his head bowed down.

Sara Moran, who runs the small Peruvian dog shelter called Milagros Perrunos, is puzzled as to how “Cabezón” ended up there. She suspects that Cabezón’s owner might have left him tied up and deserted him after he hurt his back legs. The story of Bobblehead is special because a group of kids found him, fed him, and helped him break free from something. Cabezoncito, on the other hand, was in an accident that left him unable to walk, as reported in the news.

The dog’s distress went unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of human crowds. Sara informed everyone that Cabezón was in critical condition. The young men had a change of heart and opted to bring Bobblehead along to Sara’s place. She had a compassionate knack for looking after stray dogs, especially those who were in bad shape or paralyzed, providing them with specially crafted beds for comfort and care.

Sara wasted no time taking Cabezón to the doctor once she noticed something was amiss. The doctor’s report was disheartening – Cabezón had serious spine injuries, kidney problems, and various cuts and wounds. Adding to the grim situation was the fact that he was completely paralyzed, a consequence of being confined to a table, leading to severe genital injuries from being unable to move freely for urination and defecation.

Bobblehead may not make it and even if he does, the vet thinks he will never walk again. Sara thinks that in Peru, where there are many stray animals, owners would likely opt to put down a dog like Cabezón, who is injured and without a home.

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