“Mochi’s Journey: A Munchkin Cat’s Triumph Over Life’s Challenges, Finding Love and Support Despite Losing Limbs and Ears”

Mochi, a munchkin cat originally bred in China and later brought to the US, has faced several health challenges. She was diagnosed with ischemic dermatopathy, which led to the deterioration of some parts of her body, including ears, tail, and right hind leg. Despite her condition, she traveled to Boston to live with a family, but they could not handle her severe health issues and surrendered her to MSPCA-Angell rescue shelter. Later, Greg and Natalia, a couple, came across Mochi and fell in love with her despite her unconventional appearance and adopted her as their first pet together. They have embraced her fully, and Mochi is now the happiest cat in town!

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Greg McDouglas shared the remarkable story of his cat Mochi. This adorable feline was originally bred and born in China as a munchkin kitten before being purchased by a family in Boston. Unfortunately, Mochi’s health took a turn for the worse and she developed a mysterious illness that caused necrosis. As a result, she was surrendered to MSPCA-Angell, a special rescue shelter. By this point, her condition had advanced significantly, resulting in the amputation of one of her hind legs, both ears, and her tail. Additionally, Mochi also had a case of ringworm. Despite these challenges, Mochi is now living a happy life with her new owner Greg and is thriving.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

The MSPCA-Angell, a rescue center known for its exceptional work, was entrusted with the care of a beautiful creature whose previous owners had given up custody of. This was due to the fact that the animal required specialized medical attention.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Mochi, a furry feline, was taken care of by the shelter’s medical team for two months, and she made an incredible recovery. During her treatment, she was isolated for safety reasons, but the kind-hearted vets were able to bring her back to health. After Mochi had fully recovered, the shelter put her up for adoption. Fortunately, Natalia, my fiancée, who has a soft spot for animals, saw the listing and immediately fell in love with Mochi. Soon after, the shelter contacted us to inform us that we had been chosen to adopt her. Initially, I tried to remain calm and suggested we meet her first. But on January 22nd, 2023, when we finally met her, both of our hearts melted, and we decided to take her home. Unfortunately, due to the severity of her condition, Mochi had to undergo amputations of one hind leg, both ears, and her tail. However, she has been with us for over two months now, and we are extremely grateful for the joy she brings into our lives.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

For two months, the doctors at the shelter provided care for her while ensuring that she stayed isolated from others.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Upon discovering how Mochi was adopted, we became intrigued to learn more about her personality and daily routine in her new home. According to Greg, Mochi is a lively and sweet cat who takes pleasure in playing games such as hide-and-seek. She is also quite talkative, communicating with her owners via meows, chirps, and squeaks. Mochi loves affection, belly rubs, head scratches, and sleeping on Natalia’s head at night. Additionally, she enjoys meeting new people, exploring, and trying new things. Natalia and Greg adore Mochi and lavish her with love and attention. Adopting Mochi has been one of their happiest decisions, and she brings them immense joy.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Once the little creature was given the care and attention she needed, the shelter took steps to find her a new forever home.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

When asked about the health of their pet Mochi, Greg expressed both optimism and caution. He believes that Mochi will lead a long, happy and healthy life, but they need to be careful with her due to a vaccine reaction she experienced when she was sick for the first time. Sadly, because of this, Mochi cannot receive vaccines. Additionally, they have to monitor her weight as she is fond of eating, and they need to be gentle when cleaning her ears. Despite these concerns, Mochi is doing well and is lively, which was confirmed by a recent veterinary check-up. Natalia and Greg acted quickly to adopt Mochi after seeing her profile.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

The following day, the shelter contacted them with great joy and informed them that they had been chosen to be Mochi’s adoptive family.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

We were immediately drawn to their new furry companion when we heard her cute name and couldn’t resist asking about its meaning. They shared that Mochi’s name was inspired by the famous Japanese dessert, vanilla mochi ice cream. However, everyone seemed to have a different opinion on what she looked like, with some saying she resembled an owl, seal, otter, cloud, potato, or even a ferret. Despite people’s varying interpretations of her appearance, there was no denying that Mochi was a beautiful and unique creature. The couple’s affection for Mochi only grew stronger after they spent time with her the following day.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

We were interested in how Mochi’s health issues affect her daily life, given her medical history. Greg disclosed that they make sure Mochi follows a relaxing routine to avoid any potential autoimmune reactions. Although she is unable to go outside, she has free roam of their house and usually spends her time sleeping in their bed or a cozy kitty bed close by. Mochi surprisingly sleeps quietly throughout the night and wakes up with lots of energy after eating, eager to play games with her owners. When Mochi feels like playing, she’ll meow and try to persuade her owners into playing hide and seek. Despite her health challenges, Mochi is a delightful and playful kitten that adds happiness to her owners’ lives.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Greg described their pet as having a fun and playful routine. Whenever they come near her, she quickly runs away to hide. But as soon as they approach her again, she pops out from hiding to make sure they are still following her. If they are, she will run off again, repeating this game over and over until she gets tired. Eventually, she will surrender and lay on her back waiting for belly rubs while licking their hands. She enjoys taking naps in different areas of the house, playing with the laser pointer, running up and down the stairs, and sprinting around the house. Because she has difficulty running straight, she moves like a snake. One of her favorite activities is watching TV, and she happily eats her wet food.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

She is a warm-hearted individual who enjoys the sensation of receiving gentle belly rubs and tender head scratches.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

We asked the owner about the cat’s special medical needs and care requirements. The owner confirmed that there are some precautions to take, but overall, the cat’s daily care is not overly demanding. Despite her missing limbs, the cat behaves like any other feline and shows no signs of discomfort or distress. In fact, she loves to climb furniture and snuggle up with Natalia at night.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

When Mochi was just 8 months old, she was adopted by a new family. They were immediately struck by how much she looked like a delicious vanilla mochi ice cream ball.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Mochi, a famous feline, has captured the hearts of many on the internet. We had the pleasure of speaking with Greg and Natalia, who are the proud owners of this adorable cat. They both enjoy sharing Mochi’s story as it is inspiring and heartwarming. Despite losing her limbs and enduring a two-month quarantine due to falling ill during her journey from China, Mochi remains a happy and affectionate kitty who never gives up. To Greg, Mochi is incredibly strong and full of spunk, and he hopes that her tale will bring joy and positivity to others going through difficult times.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Currently, she is thriving and in a state of good health. Nonetheless, her family members must take certain precautions to ensure her safety and continued well-being.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Greg highlighted the importance of raising awareness about rescue shelters and their commendable work in taking care of animals in need, including MSPCA-Angell which provided assistance to Mochi. He urged others to show support for such organizations and consider providing a home for disabled animals, pointing out that there are many exceptional and one-of-a-kind creatures eagerly waiting for a caring owner. At the same time, one of the individuals in charge of Mochi’s welfare was observed cleaning her ears to remove any remaining debris.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

She finds running in a straight line to be relatively easy, but instead of following a linear path, she moves in a serpentine motion reminiscent of a snake’s slithering.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

In addition to that, she behaves like an ordinary cat, relishing the game of climbing on the couch, chairs, and beds.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Mochi knows how to let her owners know when she wants to play. She expresses herself through meowing and making playful gestures to catch their attention and join in on her games.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Moreover, she enjoys relaxing and watching television shows together with Natalia and Greg, which brings her happiness.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Greg and Natalia are enthusiastic in their efforts to advocate for rescue shelters like MSPCA-Angell, which devote themselves to assisting animals in distress. They hold a special place in their hearts for this organization, having watched their beloved companion, Mochi, receive compassionate care from them. It is their aim to raise awareness of the outstanding work that these shelters carry out.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

The motivation behind their decision was to share the story of Mochi and encourage people to consider adopting animals with disabilities.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Taking care of our beloved pets requires some extra effort and care, but their unwavering love and loyalty towards us is priceless.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Greg is pleased with the decision to welcome Mochi into their household and states that the adorable companion has brought an abundance of affection into their lives.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

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