Devoted Daddy Dog: Amazing Loyalty of Golden Retriever in Nurturing His Expectant Partner.

Hey dads, do you remember the days when your wife was pregnant and you had to take care of everything in the house? I bet you do, those memories must be unforgettable. It’s amazing how you managed to handle all the chores and errands while being the only one in charge. You’re not alone, many other spouses have been through this experience. Although some may say that they weren’t as fortunate, they can always watch this viral video of a golden retriever taking care of his mate during delivery. It’s heartwarming to see how he supports her during this significant moment.

These Golden Retrievers became famous on the internet after a video of them sleeping together went viral. As soon as the wife woke up, one of the dogs rushed to turn on the AC and adjust the temperature to a comfortable level. Then, he grabbed a small basin with his mouth and headed to the kitchen where he placed it in the sink and turned on the faucet with his paw. He proudly returned to his mate with the full basin. Later, when she finished drinking, he even retrieved her leash so they could go for a walk together. Despite her being pregnant, exercise was still important, so the dog decided to join her instead of staying at home with their owner.

The male dog had some free time to finish other tasks while this happened. During this part of the day, he entered the kitchen to lend a hand in preparing his partner’s meal. Varieties like chicken, fish, shrimp, and vegetables looked promising. Daddy dog pitched in with tidying up the area, and he also took care of emptying the trash.

During meal times, he demonstrates gentlemanly behavior. Despite being famished from his work, he waits for his partner to finish eating first, knowing that she’s also nourishing their puppies. However, when he suggested going for a run after dinner, his wife declined and went home instead. Soon after, the couple’s furry companions sensed that something was about to happen and prepared a cozy nest for their coming offspring. What was once a space for only two individuals became a warm and welcoming home for their loving family.

The puppies were born one after the other, and the owners made sure to give them a thorough cleaning before letting them suckle on their mother’s milk. To help her with the process, they provided her with easily digestible meals. The proud father of the litter was a charming retriever, and together with his mate, they welcomed seven adorable and healthy pups. Each of the puppies has a unique collar that comes in different colors, creating a beautiful rainbow effect. The daddy dog now has a more significant responsibility, taking care not only of his mate but also their little ones.

This adorable little one has proven to be very dependable, so we have no doubt that they will be just fine. Watch as this loving golden retriever takes care of their entire family in the heartwarming video below!

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