Canine’s Amazing Reaction to Finding Forever Home After Almost 6 and a Half Years in Shelter

Introducing Higgins, a mature German shepherd who has spent practically his entire existence residing behind kennel bars at the Humane Society of Preble County. Unfortunately, no one has shown interest in adopting him. However, the shelter staff hasn’t lost hope for Higgins yet since he has never stopped yearning for a permanent home.

Higgins, a wise and loyal German shepherd, was rescued from the shelter as a young pup only to be returned due to a less than ideal living situation. Despite his hardships, Higgins never lost hope and remained determined to find his forever home. Sadly, many potential adopters overlooked him simply because of his senior age. Nevertheless, the shelter refused to give up on this amazing dog who had spent most of his life behind bars.

Higgins was brought to a shelter as a young pup and was quickly adopted. But things didn’t go well in his new home, and he ended up returning to the shelter in 2012. According to Renner, it was said that Higgins was simply tied to a doghouse all day. A year later, Higgins was found as a stray and brought back to the same shelter.

Higgins had been holding onto the hope that one day, someone would come along and give him a forever home. However, despite his longing, no one seemed to want him. Spending a considerable amount of time at the shelter, people began to assume that something was wrong with him. Due to the worried expression on his face, he looked intimidating in his kennel, and as a result, people tended to walk past him without giving him a second thought.

After spending 2,381 days in the shelter, Higgins was finally adopted into his forever home, much to everyone’s relief. Brendon Reed, a 22-year-old man, stumbled upon Higgins’ photo and story online and immediately fell in love with him. He knew that Higgins was the perfect dog for him because of his adorable appearance and unique personality. When Reed spoke about Higgins, he couldn’t understand how such a great dog had gone so long without being adopted.

Renner was taken aback when Reed strolled into the shelter and declared that he was there to bring Higgins home. It had been six and a half years, but Higgins had finally found a loving father in Reed who made him feel secure every single day. The little pooch could now relax on a cushy couch, enjoy some TV time, frolic about in his own backyard, and revel in rolling around on the grass.

It brings us immense happiness to announce that Higgins is going to be a fantastic new member of Reed’s life. We would love it if you could celebrate with us and share the joy we have for Higgins! For those who are interested in following Higgins’ journey, you can find him on Snapchat under the username @higginsdoggo.

Discovering a forever home for an animal who has been waiting for a long time serves as a strong reminder that every creature deserves the opportunity to enjoy a happy and satisfying existence. This canine’s tale is proof of how adoption can transform lives and deliver immeasurable happiness and satisfaction when we open our homes and hearts to shelter dogs. By taking in animals that require assistance, we have the power to make a significant impact on their lives while experiencing the unwavering love and friendship they offer.

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