“Bully’s 23rd Birthday Bash: Honoring the Oldest Rescue Dog with a Paw-some Celebration”

Unfortunately, dogs have a shorter lifespan than humans, but there are some lucky ones who manage to live for a long time. For senior dogs, each birthday is a significant achievement that deserves recognition. A Chihuahua named Bully recently celebrated his 23rd birthday, an impressive feat in dog years, with a special party. Despite having a good long life, Bully’s world was turned upside down when his elderly owner could no longer take care of him at age 21. Fortunately, he found a new home at The Mr. Mo Project, a senior dog rescue organization. This heartwarming story showcases the importance of caring for our furry friends, especially as they enter their golden years.

As dogs age, adapting to new environments can be quite challenging. Bully, also known as Bobo, is considered a “super senior” based on his dog years and has outlived the typical lifespan of Chihuahuas. However, despite being in rescue for two years, Bully has managed to settle in and flourish in his new surroundings.


Meet Bully, the rescue dog who is full of character and charm. Chris Hughes, the owner of the rescue, describes him as feisty, naughty, sweet, independent, gentle, calm, and with an old man bark. Although he’s now the oldest resident at the shelter, he still likes to push around one of their Chihuahuas. Recently, Bully celebrated his remarkable 23rd birthday, making him one of the few dogs to have lived through two millennia. Despite his age, Bully preferred a more low-key celebration.

According to Hughes, their senior dog, who has a limited number of teeth, enjoyed a crumbled soft biscuit as a treat. The founder of Mr. Mo Project, Chris Hughes, and his wife Mariesa have a soft spot for senior dogs and started the rescue after caring for Moses, a 12-year-old dog who was given up for being too old. Their love for these often-neglected pets has led them to spend more than $55,000 transforming their home into a haven for senior dogs so they can spend their remaining years in a secure and caring environment. Hughes stated that their furry friend loved sleeping, which is the best gift they could give him.

Chris, co-founder of The Mr. Mo Project, shared with Insider that both he and his partner have full-time jobs aside from their dedication to the project. They view it as a passion project rather than a job, putting all of their financial resources towards it. Let’s celebrate Bully’s remarkable milestone of turning 23 years old and hope for many more joyful years ahead! Don’t forget to spread the word and send your birthday wishes to this beloved dog. Lastly, We Love Animals has now joined Instagram – be sure to follow us for heartwarming tales and cute animal photos!

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