“A Heartwarming Tale of Resilience: The Journey of a Bow-Legged Pup Abandoned at a Tire Shop”

A disabled, unwanted dog with bowed legs is left on the road in front of a tire shop

Upon arriving early to work at the tire repair shop on Estrada do Belmonte, Ozimar Queiroz and Lindomar Queiroz were surprised. Meanwhile, a heart-wrenching video depicts six abandoned puppies that are constantly wet, crying due to hunger and cold. In another clip, a dog was left by its owner and found lying in the bushes, crying in pain, frozen to death, and scared for three days without any help. Additionally, a woman with broken hind legs was being chased away by everyone while crying in fear.

Ozimar Queiroz and Lindomar Queiroz were surprised when they arrived early for work at the tire repair shop on Estrada do Belmonte in the North Zone of Porto Velho in mid-February. The reason for their surprise was the presence of a stray dog by the side of the road. This small, helpless creature had open paws and was unable to walk.

Moved by the dog’s plight, Ozimar – also known as Galego – agreed to take care of him until he could find him a permanent home. However, 20 days have passed and the dog still lacks a permanent home.

The dog was kicked out of a store and was found by the narrator the next morning. The dog is unable to walk because its front legs face backwards. Due to its condition, the dog was affectionately named Seal. Throughout the day, tire repairmen tried to move the dog, but it ultimately dragged itself through the mud to connect with the only other animal available, a stray cat wandering the tire shop.

Lindomar Queiroz shared with G1 that his dog, whom they named Seal because of his appearance, is submissive and in need of veterinary care but they cannot afford it. “He was quite underweight when we captured him, but he’s already gaining weight now that we’re feeding him,” Lindomar stated. Seal is covered in mud from the rain, but they don’t mind at all. Our animal club provides you with the latest and most informative news about new creatures.

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