Unexpected Reunion: A Woman’s Journey to Find Her Missing Dog Leads to a Heartwarming Surprise

Woman Who Managed To Find Her Missing Dog In A New Home Gets A Very Unexpecting Surprise

We all know that dogs are considered as man’s best companion! The bond between a dog and a human is unique and heartwarming. Once a dog becomes a part of the family, they bring immense love, joy, and companionship.
Losing a beloved dog can be a heartbreaking experience for anyone. The pain of realizing that your loyal friend is no longer by your side can be overwhelming and leave a person feeling shattered.

dog sleeps on the couch

Memphis is a lovable pup who joined his family at the age of two and quickly showed his love for outdoor adventures. He is a little opportunist always seeking thrills. One of his most unforgettable escapades was sneaking off to a nearby bar where he charmed patrons with his friendly demeanor and enjoyed some popcorn. Felecia Schoonover, Memphis’ mom, shared with The Dodo that he is so sociable that he would often be picked up by strangers before she could track him down and bring him back home.

dog in clothes laying

In April 2019, Memphis pulled off another great escape. While Felecia was showering and her children were playing in the backyard, the sneaky little pup seized the chance for a new adventure. After finishing her shower, Felecia searched high and low for her beloved companion, but he was nowhere to be found. Despite driving around the neighborhood calling out his name and posting on Facebook, Memphis remained elusive. Felecia continued to check the animal shelter’s website and social media, holding onto hope of reuniting with her furry friend.

little girl cuddling with dog

Felecia was devastated when she was separated from her beloved dog, Memphis. But her determination to find him never wavered because of her deep love for him.
After a long search, she finally found Memphis in an unexpected way – through a missing dog poster online that featured his familiar face.
The poster was shared by his new family, who had recently found him after he escaped again. Learning about where Memphis had been all this time brought Felecia some peace of mind.
Despite her joy at knowing he was cared for, seeing him with his new family made her hesitant to disrupt their bond. She learned that someone had taken him and sold him to his current family, but she didn’t want to take him away from a family that loved and missed him just as much as she did. Felecia expressed, “I couldn’t bear to separate him from a family that cherished him like I did.”

dog driving in the car

Despite missing him dearly, Felecia’s old family didn’t want another family to experience the same pain of losing Memphis as they did. Nevertheless, she left a note for the local animal shelter, promising to take him back if he ever ended up in their care.
“I never reached out to the family because I wanted Memphis to be happy, and they were doing just that. It was tough knowing he was just across town all this time, but moving him wouldn’t have been fair,” Felecia explained.
Then, out of the blue, she received a call she never expected.
Finally reunited
The animal shelter informed her that they had Memphis and asked if she wanted him back. Without hesitation, Felecia eagerly headed over to bring her furry friend back home.

dog sleeping

After adopting another dog following the loss of Memphis, Felecia was feeling a mix of nerves and excitement about caring for two pups at the same time. She wasn’t sure if the new addition would get along with her other dog, but she was determined to make it work.

She happily observed that the new dog and her “baby sister” were getting along well, with plenty of kisses exchanged. The new pup exhibited the same familiar traits that made Memphis so beloved, from snuggling next to her on the couch to sniffing out crumbs under the furniture. Seeing him cozying up to her son brought back memories of their puppy days together.

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