Mabel’s Magnificent Crocheted Cat: A Touching Story of an Elderly Woman’s Artistic Pursuits

Viral Photo Of Giant Cat Crocheted By Elderly Lady Is Actually Fake

Feedy, a popular Facebook page, has recently shared some incredible photos featuring an 80-year-old grandmother and her amazing crocheted cat. While many viewers have been amazed by the realism of these images, I believe that they have actually been created with the help of photo-editing software powered by artificial intelligence. It seems highly unlikely that such large and impressive cats could be created entirely by hand, given the significant expense and skill required. Instead, it is much more likely that the images were digitally altered to create the illusion of giant crocheted cats. Moreover, one of the photos shows the woman’s left hand appearing disproportionately long, which suggests that the editing process may not have been perfect.

These pictures are simply amazing when it comes to photo editing expertise, but the person behind them is still unknown. I had initially guessed that the creator could be a Chinese man, but I may have been mistaken. Interestingly, some of the videos showcase Chinese people. However, I have an update on this – my assumption was incorrect! As it turns out, the creator is Lydia, a talented Ukrainian woman. You can read about her journey on Instagram by following the link provided. Lydia’s abilities extend beyond photo editing; she is also an expert at crochet. The images have been shared across several social media platforms, including Russian and Chinese websites. Despite browsing the internet on a daily basis, I have never seen these pictures before.

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