Purrfectly Insistent: When Your Cat Demands Morning Cuddles Before You Head Out

Around a decade ago, Faith Linderman discovered Tigger hiding beneath a truck in a parking lot near her former workplace. Without hesitation, she took him in as her own and he quickly adjusted to his new surroundings. Tigger’s affectionate personality won over the hearts of everyone in his new family, especially Linderman’s father.

Tigger and his father share an incredible bond that is unlike any other. Tigger’s favorite thing in the world is to snuggle up with his dad every morning, making it a crucial part of their daily routine.
Each morning, Tigger patiently waits for his dad to wake up and prepare his breakfast. Once his father is finished eating and getting ready for work, he settles down on the couch at precisely 7:30 a.m. to enjoy some quality time with his furry companion before heading out for the day.

Linderman shared that Tig always gets his fair share of cuddle time, which lasts for at least 30 minutes. If his brother Boots attempts to take his spot, Tig asserts his dominance by sitting on him until he moves away. Linderman refers to Tig as his “daddy.”

Once Tigger’s dad leaves for work, the feline finds solace in some hideaway until his dad returns home. The moment his dad sits down, Tigger jumps onto his dad’s lap to enjoy more cuddling. This bonding time with his dad carries immense significance for Tigger that he won’t compromise on any day. If, by chance, his dad is running late and misses their morning routine, Tigger sulks for the entire day.

Linderman explained that her cat Tig has a peculiar habit of sitting in the living room, closing his eyes and opening his mouth as if he’s meowing, but no sound comes out. Despite this, they assure him that he will return to normal and Tig opens his eyes, although it appears as though he had been crying. Whenever Linderman’s father is home, he picks up Tig and asks if they had been teasing him, and Tig responds by rubbing his face on his dad’s. It’s clear that Tig has a unique relationship with Linderman’s father.

Tigger really dislikes it when his usual routine is disrupted. In such cases, he may insist on receiving snuggles from other members of the family, but deep down, he eagerly awaits his father’s return so he can reclaim his spot on his lap.

Tigger is a loving feline who despises being by himself, even for a short time. He values his family greatly, especially his father, who is renowned for being an exceptional snuggler.

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